Like trying to herd cats...

Many miscellaneous meanderings of a musing mother...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Questions and thinking and jumping and trusting...

Do you trust me?
Then jump!

As I stood in the (bewilderingly cold) pool, my Katie was on the ledge, so badly wanting to jump to me but so terribly scared to make the leap.

Would you come closer?

No, I did that the jump before. You can do this.

(*pause*) - I'm still in the shivering cold water - she is in the warm, hot sun...

Do you trust me?


Then jump! (...*pause*...)

But I'm afraid.

Do you think I would let you get hurt?


Do you know that I love you?


Do you know that I am paying attention?


Then, jump!

(*pause*) - I have almost forgotten my name, the water is so cold. And yet I wait with outstretched arms at the ready for her courage to kick in... She starts to jump, bends her knees, and then just as quickly, the fear kicks in and we are back to square one...

And as I am shivering in the pool, I am hearing the quiet whispers of my Encourager. This coversation sounds extremely familiar to the ones I have with Him.

I want you to do ___.

But I am afraid.

Do you know that I know the outcome?


Do you know that I love you?

Yes... I think.

Then jump!

But what if I find I can't swim in this water? What if I sink?

Do you know that you don't have to - that I will catch you if you find you can't swim?

Yes... I think.

Do you think I would neglect you and let you get hurt?


Do you know that I am paying attention?


Then jump!

The next time God asks me to jump, I hope I remember how absolutely sure I was that Katie would not get hurt, that there was no way I would allow her to get in any kind of trouble. I just wanted her to stretch a bit, to flex her trust muscles, to trust me, to trust herself, to face her fear and move past it. I had the utmost confidence in her ability - for pete's sake, she had just jumped from the ledge moments before! I knew the outcome would be success, I knew she had the skills. She just had to see that in herself.

That must be how God feels about me. Totally knowing the outcome, knowing my ability matches the challenge - just needing me to trust Him.

Do you trust Him?

Then jump!


Susan said...

Since you so know where I am on this entire trust thing...

no comment!

But great thoughts. I love you! Hope you are feeling better.


fuzzytop said...

Hi Jen,

I'm so glad you're back; I missed you!

I loved your post!


Jaileigh said...

This was a wonderful post. I've been really dealing with this issue up close and personal in the past couple months. I'm almost to the point where I can fully trust God with all things. Ta for now dahling!

Angie Dagenhart said...

Wonderful, wonderful post.

Lara said...

Just found your blog and was moved by this entry. What a great visual illustration of how faithful the Lord is. I loved it! My girls have taught me more about my relationship with Christ than I could have ever imagined!

Georgia Mom